Vim motion

. = Repeat previous sequence * = Search for word under caret = = Reindent selection == = Reindent line q = Record macro (advanced use) @ = Run macro (advanced use)...


May 8, 2024

Using Obsidian to manage content for websites

I had this idea that because my blog uses markdown and obsidian uses markdown that I could somehow have my blog posts as notes in obsidian and everytime I change or add new posts they would magically appear on my website.


March 22, 2022

Decorate tail output with timestamps

I often use nohup to run long running tasks in the background on servers. For eksample for reindeksing operations or compiling. The benefit of nohup is that the process is not stopped if you lose connection or close the terminal window.


February 11, 2022

Module loader script for composer

Writing a large maintainable application requires a well organized code base. A term often used for this is domain driven design.


January 28, 2022

Adding composer repository via command line

Today I was installing laravel nova and discovered a command in the installation process that was new to me. It adds the composer repository to your composer.json file without having to manually edit the file. In the past I've always fired up sublime...


December 9, 2021

Datetime with Z at the end

Working with external API's I often encounter timestamps like these: 2021-11-15T23:15:35Z. Each time I have to open the Carbon documentation and read through the entire thing with a magnifying glass to look for the format that ends with a Z.


November 15, 2021